Do you remember the conferences? The old times back in the day when we could talk for hours, guys going crazy, Telecom hating it... well, thanks to my mate Rocky Kid, Auscene can present exclusively to you some old conferences from the early nineties. Converted from their original cassette tapes and encoded into mp3...
Not only can we present some funny yarns bouncing on the backbone of Telecom's PSTN, but we can deliver the missing QCF FM Broadcasts... what are these broadcasts some of you might mutter? some of you will know, some will not... these broadcasts were delivered by Rocky Kid in 1990/1991 and contain a mix of music, voiced over with scene news, charts, interviews and other banter... This stuff is pure gold and brings back memories of our adolescent times.
Enjoy the links below, again brought exclusively to you by Auscene - In The Spotlight...